District 9 Projects

1 Project Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:03 AM)

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/12/2025 2:15PM PST

Inyo A,C-32,C-45 A,C32,C45
SB Minor B - Removal and Installation of Roadside Signs

SB Minor B - Removal and Installation of Roadside Signs This is a SB Minor B contract advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: arlena.tedder@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $461,000.00 i...

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