District 8 Projects

2 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:00 AM)

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Project ID:

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San Bernardino A, C-8, C-12 A, C8, C12
Cold plane AC & RHMA, vegetation control (minor Conc), MGS, and HTCB.

Cold plane AC & RHMA, vegetation control (minor Conc), MGS, and HTCB. In San Bernardino County In Needles From Fox Wash Overflow To L Street Undercrossing

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

San Bernardino A, C-12 A, C12
JPCP (RSC), Rdwy Exc, LCB rapid setting, & HMA (Type A).

JPCP (RSC), Rdwy Exc, LCB rapid setting, & HMA (Type A). In Sanbernardino County In Upland From 0.3 Mile West To 0.1 Mile East Of Mountain Avenue Overcrossing

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