District 5 Projects

6 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:02 AM)

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Santa Cruz A, C-8, C-12, C-42 A, C8, C12, C42
Drainage system upgrades and slope stabilization at inlets & outlets.

Drainage system upgrades and slope stabilization at inlets & outlets. In Santa Cruz County Near Ben Lomond At Various Locations From Scenic Way To 4.7 Miles North Of The Northern Junction Of Routes 9/236.

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Santa Barbara A, C-8, C-12 A, C8, C12
Bridge deck repairs, polyster concrete overlays, and HMA (TYPE A).

Bridge deck repairs, polyster concrete overlays, and HMA (TYPE A). In Santa Barbara County At Various Locations.

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Santa Barbara A, C-12 A, C12
Partial depth recycling and RHMA-G overlay.

Partial depth recycling and RHMA-G overlay. In Santa Barbara County About 7 Miles North Of Los Alamos From San Antonio Creek Bridge To San Antonio Road

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

San Luis Obispo A, C-32 A, C32
Slurry seal coat.

Slurry seal coat. In San Luis Obispo County About 6 Miles East Of Santa Margarita From Route 229 To Navajo Creek Bridge

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Santa Barbara A, C-12 A, C12
Cold plane and overlay HMA pavement.

Cold plane and overlay HMA pavement. In Santa Barbara County In And Near Carpinteria From Ventura County Line To 0.3 Mile South Of Carpinteria Creek Bridge

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/11/2025 2:00PM PST

San Luis Obispo C-11 C11
*Certified SB/MB/DVBE Only* Routine and Non-Routine Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services in San Luis Obispo County

*Certified SB/MB/DVBE Only* Routine and Non-Routine Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services in San Luis Obispo County The documents and files attached to this solicitation do not have any updates for digital accessibility at this time. Updates will be applied as soon as they are available. For an accessible version of solicitation documents published on this page, please submit a request at http://bit.ly/dpac-ada or call (916) 654-2852.

Projects with unknown or multiple locations are not being displayed in the map