District 4 Projects

4 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:04 AM)

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Project ID:

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Contra Costa A, C-8 A, C8
Bridge railing, MVP, curb & gutter, sidewalks, & electrical systems.

Bridge railing, MVP, curb & gutter, sidewalks, & electrical systems. In Contra Costa County In Pinole At Appian Way Overcrossing And At Crockett At Cummings Skyway Overcrossing.

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Project ID:

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Sonoma A, C-8, C-27, C-42 A, C8, C27, C42
Construct pipe culvert wingwall and drainage inlet.

Construct pipe culvert wingwall and drainage inlet. In Sonoma County Near Stewarts Point At 2.7 Miles South Of Skaggs Springs Road

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Project ID:

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Contra Costa A, C-12, C-42 A, C12, C42
Install trash capture housing devices, MVPs, and Erosion Control.

Install trash capture housing devices, MVPs, and Erosion Control. In Contra Costa County At Various Locations From Alameda County Line To Route 4/ 680 Separation

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/13/2025 2:15PM PST

Alameda A,C-12 A,C12
SB Minor B 04A7161 - Repair and Replace a Culvert in Alameda County

SB Minor B 04A7161 - Repair and Replace a Culvert in Alameda County This is a SB Minor B Contract Advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: stacey.toles@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $461,00...

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