District 2 Projects

3 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:09 AM)

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/11/2025 2:00PM PST

Butte,Lassen,Modoc,Plumas,Shasta,Siskiyou,Tehama,Trinity A,C-61,D-40 A,C61,D40
Bulk Fuel Service and Repair in Shasta, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity Counties

Bulk Fuel Service and Repair in Shasta, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity Counties Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, supplies, parts, tools, equipment, travel, and incidentals necessary to service and/or perform minor repairs to service station type equipment at various Caltrans owned properties throughout District 02 in Shasta, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Siskiyou, Trinity, and Tehama Counties. The documents and files attached to this solicitation do ...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/13/2025 2:00PM PST

Lassen,Modoc,Plumas,Shasta,Siskiyou,Tehama,Trinity A,C-12,C-31 A,C12,C31
IFB Positive Utility Location, Siskiyou, Trinity, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, Tehama, and Plumas

IFB Positive Utility Location, Siskiyou, Trinity, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, Tehama, and Plumas Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, materials, parts, supplies, traffic control, standard traffic control signage, travel, and incidentals necessary to provide positive location services to Caltrans. The documents and files attached to this solicitation do not have any updates for digital accessibility at this time. Updates will be applied as soon as they are available. For an accessi...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/20/2025 2:15PM PST

Shasta A A
SB Minor B 02A2380 / Culvert Rehabilitation In Shasta County from 0.4 Mile East of Seamans Gulch Road to 1.3 Miles West of Oak Point Drive

SB Minor B 02A2380 / Culvert Rehabilitation In Shasta County from 0.4 Mile East of Seamans Gulch Road to 1.3 Miles West of Oak Point Drive The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: Justina.Binsfeld@dot.ca.gov ...

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