District 12 Projects

8 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:12 AM)

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-8, C-12, C-61, D-06 A, C8, C12, C61, D06
Apply methacrylate, overlay polyester & replace joint seals.

Apply methacrylate, overlay polyester & replace joint seals. In Orange County At Various Locations On Route 55 From Santa Clara Avenue Overcrossing To Lincoln Avenue Undercrossing And On Route 57 From Chapman Avenue Undercrossing To Yorba Linda Boulevard Overcrossing

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-8, C-32 A, C8, C32
Apply methacrylate, replace joint seals & bearing pads.

Apply methacrylate, replace joint seals & bearing pads. In Orange County At Various Locations From S73-s5 Connector Viaduct In Laguna Niguel To Bristol Street Undercrossing In Costa Mesa

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-10, C-32 A, C10, C32
Install Pvmt marking, signs, rumble strips, and electrical systems.

Install Pvmt marking, signs, rumble strips, and electrical systems. In Orange County At Various Locations

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-12, C-32 A, C12, C32
Remove and replace RHMA, pavement marking and roadside sign.

Remove and replace RHMA, pavement marking and roadside sign. In Orange County At Various Locations From Route 5/22/57 Separation To 0.3 Mile South Of Los Angeles County Line

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-12 A, C12
Cold plane and overlay with rubberized hot mix asphalt.

Cold plane and overlay with rubberized hot mix asphalt. In Orange County In Irvine And Orange From 0.6 Mile North Of Portola Parkway Overcrossing To Junction Route 241

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Orange A, C-42 A, C42
Cleaning, inspecting, preparing culverts, and concrete invert paving.

Cleaning, inspecting, preparing culverts, and concrete invert paving. In Orange County In Brea At Route 90/57 Separation

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/20/2025 2:00PM PST

Orange C-10,C-16,C-20 C10,C16,C20
IFPQ SB , MB, DVBE OPTION Fire Alarm System (FAS) Replacement in Orange County

IFPQ SB , MB, DVBE OPTION Fire Alarm System (FAS) Replacement in Orange County he documents and files attached to this solicitation do not have any updates for digital accessibility at this time. Updates will be applied as soon as they are available. For an accessible version of solicitation documents published on this page, please submit a request at http://bit.ly/dpac-ada or call (916) 654-2852. Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, parts, materials, supplies, permits, fees, t...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
03/04/2025 2:00PM PST

Orange A,C-10,C-32 A,C10,C32
Install Pvmt marking, signs, rumble strips, and electrical systems.

Install Pvmt marking, signs, rumble strips, and electrical systems. 12-Ora-5, 55, 73, 133, 405-Var *** ORANGE COUNTY AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS

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