District 11 Projects

5 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:10 AM)

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/11/2025 2:15PM PST

Imperial A,C-10 A,C10
SB Minor B - Install Equipment for a Census System

SB Minor B - Install Equipment for a Census System This is a SB Minor B contract advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: arlena.tedder@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $461,000.00 it wil...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/13/2025 2:15PM PST

San Diego A A
SB Minor B - Remove Metal Beam Guardrail and Install Concrete Barrier

SB Minor B - Remove Metal Beam Guardrail and Install Concrete Barrier This is a SB Minor B contract advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: arlena.tedder@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/19/2025 2:15PM PST

San Diego A A
SB Minor B - Upgrade Concrete Barrier and Crash Cushion

SB Minor B - Upgrade Concrete Barrier and Crash Cushion This is a SB Minor B contract advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: arlena.tedder@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $461,000.00 i...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/24/2025 2:15PM PST

Imperial A,C-10 A,C10
SB Minor B Contract No. 11A4096 - Replace enclosure, cables and inductive loop detectors and install equipment for a census system. Install communication system - Imperial County

SB Minor B Contract No. 11A4096 - Replace enclosure, cables and inductive loop detectors and install equipment for a census system. Install communication system - Imperial County The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email ...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/25/2025 3:00PM PST

San Diego A,C-10 A,C10
**Certified SB, including MB, SB-PW, or a DVBE Only** IFPQ 11A4066 Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Lighting Installation in San Diego County

**Certified SB, including MB, SB-PW, or a DVBE Only** IFPQ 11A4066 Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Lighting Installation in San Diego County The documents and files attached to this solicitation do not have any updates for digital accessibility at this time. Updates will be applied as soon as they are available. For an accessible version of solicitation documents published on this page, please submit a request to ADAdocs@dot.ca.gov or call (833) 713-2922. Contractor agrees to provide all labor, to...

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