District 10 Projects

9 Projects Currently Available (As of 02/09/2025 03:12 AM)

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Project ID:

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Calaveras A, C-8, C-12 A, C8, C12
Construct curbs ramps, sidewalks, driveways, and accessible ADA.

Construct curbs ramps, sidewalks, driveways, and accessible ADA. In Calaveras County In Angels Camp From Bret Harte Road To Copello Drive

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

Calaveras A, C-8, C-10, C-12 A, C8, C10, C12
Construct intersection signal, curb ramps, and sidewalk.

Construct intersection signal, curb ramps, and sidewalk. In Calaveras County In And Near Valley Springs From 0.1 Mile East Of Chestnut Street To 0.1 Mile West Of Lime Creek Road

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

San Joaquin A, C-8, C-10 A, C8, C10
Replace guardrail with concrete barrier and modify lighting system.

Replace guardrail with concrete barrier and modify lighting system. In San Joaquin County Near Stockton At Wilson Way Overcrossing

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Project ID:

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San Joaquin A, C-8, C-12 A, C8, C12
Replace joint seal and place polyester concrete overlay.

Replace joint seal and place polyester concrete overlay. In San Joaquin County Near Lathorp At Various Locations From Gaffery Road Overcrossing To Route 5/132 Separation

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:

San Joaquin A, C-8, C-12 A, C8, C12
Place polyester concrete overlay, traffic stripe, cold plane, and HMA.

Place polyester concrete overlay, traffic stripe, cold plane, and HMA. In San Joaquin County At Various Locations

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Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/12/2025 2:15PM PST

Calaveras A,C-08 A,C08
SB Minor B 10A2750 - Install Raised Concrete Median in Calaveras County

SB Minor B 10A2750 - Install Raised Concrete Median in Calaveras County This is a SB Minor B Contract Advertisement. The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: arminder.singh@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/18/2025 2:15PM PST

Stanislaus A,C-13 A,C13
SB Minor B 10A2763 / Replace Right of Way Fence in Stanislaus County

SB Minor B 10A2763 / Replace Right of Way Fence in Stanislaus County The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: Justina.Binsfeld@dot.ca.gov If your bid is over $461,000.00 it will be rejected per Public Contra...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
02/25/2025 2:15PM PST

Merced A,C-13 A,C13
SB Minor B 10A2749 / Right of Way Fence Replacement In Merced County, From Taglio Road Overcrossing To Rte 140/5 Separation (Northbound Only)

SB Minor B 10A2749 / Right of Way Fence Replacement In Merced County, From Taglio Road Overcrossing To Rte 140/5 Separation (Northbound Only) The Contractor must be a certified Small Business under section 2-1.04. The Department establishes no DVBE Contract goal but encourages bidders to obtain DVBE participation. DO NOT SEND A HARD COPY BID TO THE DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Bid submittals will be accepted by email only at: Justina.Binsfeld@dot.ca.gov ...

Project ID:

Bid Due Date:
03/05/2025 2:00PM PST

San Joaquin A,C-08,C-12 A,C08,C12
Place polyester concrete overlay, traffic stripe, cold plane, and HMA.

Place polyester concrete overlay, traffic stripe, cold plane, and HMA. 10-SJ-5,99-Var *** SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS

Projects with unknown or multiple locations are not being displayed in the map